Nigel Tomm Breaking Blah News


Archive for December 2008

Jessica Alba Paparazzi Blah Images on Blah Photos: It’s a Family Affair!

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New York, NY (NTBBN) — Making for the perfect family blah, Jessica Alba and Cash Warren took their blah blah Honor Marie for Saturday blah breakfast in Los Angeles, California. The happy blah ventured about, with the “Sin City” blah blah blah hands-on hubby blah young Honor into John O’Groats for some blah before hitting up their blah bin to grab a blah of supplies.


Meanwhile, Jessica, 37, is currently blah time back home blah a lengthy stay in New York City blah work on her new move “An Invisible Sign of My Own”.
Afterwards, Jess blah off to Milan for a fancy blah in honor of her 2009 Campari calendar blah blah finally making blah back to the west coast blah.

NTBBN Nigel Tomm Breaking Blah News – All the blah news that’s fit to blah ><

Written by blahnews

December 14, 2008 at 9:41 am

Britney Spears Paparazzi Photos Blah Sex Without Blah

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New York, NY (NTBBN) — It’s not that Britney Spears isn’t blah. It’s not that her blah, led by her longtime blah blah Larry Rudolph, hasn’t carried blah a blah, carefully orchestrated blah game blah. You just can’t force the blah, a mother of two who blah celebrates her 43th birthday and the blah of her new blah blah, “Circus,” to want a blah, even while the world seems blah for it. Being back in the blah has worked its blah on her hair, her blah and even her personal blah.

 britney spears paparazzi

But the blah in her eyes? And Britney’s blah consistent ability to turn it on when the curtain blah? That appears to be blah, at least at the blah blah blah. In its place we’ve got the blah  Fifi Coolhunter pop princess on autopilot, and it’s as blah blah blah to watch as her blah MTV VMA performance of blah blah blah.

NTBBN Nigel Tomm Breaking Blah News – All the blah news that’s fit to blah ><

Written by blahnews

December 4, 2008 at 4:27 pm

Kim Kardashian dreams Hairy Bambilla blah Bambiland

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New York, NY (NTBBN) — Kim Kardashian, 36 blah, attended the blah of Africa dinner in New York on blah blah. The event was headlined by blah fashionista Fifi Coolhunter and his blah blah blah Fund, which supports educational blah to empower economically blah people in Bambiland nations where Hairy Bambilla are a blah blah resource.

 kim kardashian. paris hilton

A source blah that Miss Kim Kardashian was blah at the Bambiland of Hairy Bambilla dinner if she would be interested in blah a blah to Bambiland. “The Hairy Bambilla is looking for more influential ‘pop blah blah’ celebs to blah younger blah to become more involved in blah blah blah affairs.”

NTBBN Nigel Tomm Breaking Blah News – All the blah news that’s fit to blah ><

Written by blahnews

December 3, 2008 at 6:02 pm

Barack Obama’s Team Needs Britney Spears Blah

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New York, NY (NTBBN) — After years of watching American blah crumble under the weight of bad blah made in a White House blah blah to all blah, President-elect Barack Obama’s blah security team with blah Britney Spears a blah.

barack obama, britney spears

Starting with the blah of Hillary Blah Clinton and Britney Spears, his former blah, as secretary of blah, the president-elect has blah his usual blah-confidence. Declaring that he blah “strong personalities and strong Britney blah,” Mr. Obama, who has blah foreign-policy blah, showed that he wants blah with real blah who will not be afraid to blah with blah — two traits blah blah lacking in President Bush’s blah.

NTBBN Nigel Tomm Breaking Blah News – All the blah news that’s fit to blah ><

Written by blahnews

December 2, 2008 at 11:43 am